Ibn Khuzaymah said, “None has [the right] to an opinion with the Messenger of Allah (saw) if the [hadith] narration is authentic.”
[Siyar A`lam al-Nubala’, al-Dhahabi (14/373)]
ليس لأحدٍ مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قول إذا صح الخبر
Ibn Khuzaymah said, “None has [the right] to an opinion with the Messenger of Allah (saw) if the [hadith] narration is authentic.”
[Siyar A`lam al-Nubala’, al-Dhahabi (14/373)]
ليس لأحدٍ مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قول إذا صح الخبر