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نموذج طلب الفتوى

لم تنقل الارقام بشكل صحيح

/ / The source of all good in this life and the hereafter

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Sahl bin `Abdullah said, “There is no veil between the servant and Allah thicker than making claims, nor a path that one takes to Him nearer than that of displaying need; and the source of all good in this life and the hereafter is fear of Allah.” What proves that is Allah’s statement: “And when the anger of Musa subsided, he took up the tablets; and in their inscription was guidance and mercy for those who are fearful of their Lord.”[Al-A`raf 7:154] Thus He has informed us that guidance and mercy are for those who fear Allah. [Majmu` al-Fatawa, Ibn Taymiyyah (17/20)] أصل كل خير في الدنيا والآخرة

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Sahl bin `Abdullah said, “There is no veil between the servant and Allah thicker than making claims, nor a path that one takes to Him nearer than that of displaying need; and the source of all good in this life and the hereafter is fear of Allah.” What proves that is Allah’s statement:

“And when the anger of Musa subsided, he took up the tablets; and in their inscription was guidance and mercy for those who are fearful of their Lord.”[Al-A`raf 7:154]

Thus He has informed us that guidance and mercy are for those who fear Allah.

[Majmu` al-Fatawa, Ibn Taymiyyah (17/20)]

أصل كل خير في الدنيا والآخرة

الاكثر مشاهدة

1. خطبة : أهمية الدعاء ( عدد المشاهدات86878 )
3. خطبة: التقوى ( عدد المشاهدات81650 )
4. خطبة: حسن الخلق ( عدد المشاهدات75436 )
6. خطبة: بمناسبة تأخر نزول المطر ( عدد المشاهدات62558 )
7. خطبة: آفات اللسان - الغيبة ( عدد المشاهدات56777 )
9. خطبة: صلاح القلوب ( عدد المشاهدات53751 )
12. خطبة:بر الوالدين ( عدد المشاهدات51554 )
13. فما ظنكم برب العالمين ( عدد المشاهدات51485 )
14. خطبة: حق الجار ( عدد المشاهدات46436 )
15. خطبة : الإسراف والتبذير ( عدد المشاهدات46077 )



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