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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.

الأعضاء الكرام ! اكتمل اليوم نصاب استقبال الفتاوى.

وغدا إن شاء الله تعالى في تمام السادسة صباحا يتم استقبال الفتاوى الجديدة.

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إدارة موقع أ.د خالد المصلح

/ / Ruling on insurance and working in its respective field.

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What is the ruling on insurance and working in that field? عن حكم التأمين والعمل في مجاله


What is the ruling on insurance and working in that field?

عن حكم التأمين والعمل في مجاله


Praise be to Allah, and may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family and his companions.

To proceed:

To answer your question I say:

 The majority of scholars are of the opinion that commercial insurance is prohibited because it involves uncertainty and risk.
There are other detailed explanations and this is not the place to simplify and clarify them, but I will say: brother look for a field which is more pure and far away from doubts because most scholars say: your working in commercial insurance companies even if they are named by other names, is in reality entering into contracts which involve uncertainty. This is my advice to you.
However a group of scholars are of the opinion that working in the insurance field whether it is cooperative with its commercial name or purely commercial is permissible.
But I direct you on that which makes your heart content and keeps you out of doubt, particularly with regard to earning, food and drink. These are matters which one should protect himself from falling into prohibition, due to their great impact on the Lord’s acceptance of his supplications and his righteousness and that of his children.

المادة التالية

الاكثر مشاهدة

1. جماع الزوجة في الحمام ( عدد المشاهدات129020 )
6. مداعبة أرداف الزوجة ( عدد المشاهدات63854 )
8. حكم قراءة مواضيع جنسية ( عدد المشاهدات62747 )
11. حکم نزدیکی با همسر از راه مقعد؛ ( عدد المشاهدات56149 )
12. لذت جویی از باسن همسر؛ ( عدد المشاهدات55461 )
13. ما الفرق بين محرَّم ولا يجوز؟ ( عدد المشاهدات53454 )
14. الزواج من متحول جنسيًّا ( عدد المشاهدات50946 )
15. حكم استعمال الفكس للصائم ( عدد المشاهدات45584 )

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